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Sacramento State Police Department Campus Safety

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The department wants to ensure that useful public information is accessible to our community members. Access to public records is an important priority as we believe that public trust is essential to good community policing strategies and maintaining accountability.

Providing information online about how we work and the policies that govern us is just one of the Sacramento State Police Department’s transparency initiatives. The ability to readily access public information encourages inclusion, keeps community members better informed about Police Department operations, and encourages them to help us keep our shared community safe.

Immigration Enforcement Actions

Sacramento State Police Department Policy

For more information, the link below will take you to a resource guide and FAQs

CSU Resources, Guides and FAQs

Calls for Service

The Sacramento State PD responds to various events and calls for service each day. You can find information regarding calls for service and the daily crime log at the following link.

CSUS Crime Graphics



The Sacramento State Police Department’s Policy Manual is guided by Lexipol, which is based on constitutional law and a “best practice” philosophy. Lexipol is the industry standard and is currently used by the majority of California Law Enforcement agencies.

The Sacramento State Police Department policy manual is subject to frequent updates based upon changes in State or Federal laws and/or best practices. The most up-to-date policies finalized by Sacramento State Police will be posted on our webpage.

  1. Policy Manual
  2. Uniform Manual
  3. CSO Manual



Sacramento State Police Department officers are required to complete training in many areas including, but not limited to, perishable skills, legislative mandates, refresher trainings, cultural diversity and specialized training based upon assignments. Our officers routinely attend training presented by POST and several other local agencies.

The information below is limited to training materials produced and presented by the Sacramento State Police Department. Please note that some training material is exempt from disclosure under Government Code section 6254.

  1. FTO Manual
  2. SGT Manual
  3. CSO Training Manual
  4. Department Courses:

Police Advisory Committee


The mission of the Sacramento State Police Advisory Committee is to build a trusting relationship between the campus community and the Sacramento State Police Department through engagement, transparency, and collaboration.


Across the nation, communities are faced with the hard reality that systems of policing and law enforcement have not always safeguarded all people(s) and communities equally. Too frequently, the same systems responsible for providing protection have become a source of great distrust and fear for our minority or marginalized populations, eg. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and others who have faced injustice at the hands of law enforcement. This blueprint to re-envision safety at Sacramento State starts by acknowledging that reality.

The Sacramento State Police Advisory Committee will provide a forum for Sacramento State’s diverse communities to provide meaningful input and recommendations to the Sacramento State Police Department Chief of Police on how police services can better meet their needs for a safe and healthy campus. All members of the Sacramento State community should feel valued, welcomed, and free from any threat of physical, psychological, or emotional harm. Our campus safety structure must reflect the needs and values of a diverse and inclusive campus community, including those vulnerable to harm.

The Sacramento State Police Department highly values its mission and partnership with the campus community and recognizes that public engagement contributes to a successful law enforcement agency.


Under the authority of the President, and with direct responsibility to the Chief of Police, the Sacramento State Police Advisory Committee works in partnership with the police department to:

  1. identify and define Sacramento State’s community vision of safety;
  2. identify safety issues that impact the Sacramento State campus community;
  3. act as a liaison to enhance campus-community relations with the Sacramento State Police Department;
  4. examine and provide recommendations concerning matters of public safety, campus policy, or suggested community resources to impact the campus community positively;
  5. provide recommendations for the police department’s interaction with the campus community that would foster an atmosphere conducive to the intellectual, cultural, and personal development of its students, faculty, and staff; and
  6. assist with defining the involvement of the police in the life of the university in ways that will create and foster an environment of inclusion, belonging, and culture of care.
  7. review data on police-citizen engagements, such as complaints, critical incidents, and officer commendations, within the limits of collective bargaining provisions and applicable laws.
  8. publish annual reports of key activities and recommendations.

Composition of Membership

Recommendations and strategies regarding campus policing will be shaped by a process that includes a broad representation of the campus population and is sensitive to the needs of historically marginalized communities. The Police Advisory Committee is intended to be nimble and impactful and will be comprised of students, faculty, and staff representing our Sacramento State community.

The members shall be as follows:

  1. Chief of Police (Chair)*
  2. Representative Office of the President (Co-Chair) (President’s appointment)*
  3. University Police Department representative (appointed by Chief of Police)
  4. Vice President for Inclusive Excellence or designee*
  5. Faculty representative (appointed by Faculty Senate)*
  6. Faculty representative (appointed by Faculty Senate)
  7. ASI President or designee (appointed by ASI)*
  8. Student-at-large (appointed by ASI)
  9. Student-at-large (appointed by ASI)
  10. Student-at-large (appointed by ASI)
  11. Student-at-large (appointed by ASI)
  12. Staff representative (appointed by University Staff Assembly)*
  13. Employee Affinity Group (appointed by Inclusive Excellence)
  14. Associate Vice President for Strategic Student Support Programs or designee
  15. Associate Vice President of Student Retention and Academic Success or designee
  16. Executive Director of University Housing Services or designee*
  17. Student Health & Counseling
  18. Belonging, Education and Support Director
  19. Director of Clery Compliance & Training

*denotes Steering Committee Membership

Roles of Steering Committee Members

The Steering Committee provides strategic input, critical guidance, makes directional decisions, and monitors the delivery of outcomes to ensure the mission and objective of the Police Advisory Committee are achieved. The President appoints the Steering Committee members.

Roles of Advisory Committee Members

The Police Advisory Committee acts solely in an advisory capacity and will be driven by the creativity and vision of its members; it is intended to be an expression of the diverse viewpoints of members of the Sacramento State community. To carry out its purpose, the committee will address issues associated with police-community relations, the improvement of the Sacramento State Police Department’s operations, and public safety issues to further enhance the quality of life in our campus community.

The committee will not have the power or authority to investigate, review or otherwise participate in matters involving police personnel incidents, or police-related incidents. The committee will not have power or authority over policies and procedures governed by applicable local, state, and federal police-related policies and relevant collective bargaining agreements. It will not receive or review complaints initiated against the Sacramento State Police Department or its personnel nor play any role in civil or criminal litigation.


The President makes appointments to the advisory committee upon receiving a recommendation from appropriate campus organizations or other appropriate channels. Members are appointed for two (2) years, with one (1) year terms for students. The President shall have the option of reappointing members to additional terms. The Chief of Police shall serve as the Chair of the advisory committee.


In the interests of transparency, the advisory committee shall issue an annual public report detailing a summary of recommendations and discussions. The report will be posted publicly on the Sacramento State Police Department’s website.


The advisory committee will meet at least quarterly, and the Chair shall transmit recommendations or requests from the advisory committee to the President for consideration. The advisory committee may hold open forums as necessary. The membership, agenda, and minutes of committee meetings shall be published on the Sacramento State Police Department’s website and made available to the general public.

PAC Meeting Mins - November 4, 2022

PAC Meeting Mins - February 10, 2023

PAC Meeting Mins - May 5, 2023

PAC Meeting Mins - September 28, 2023

PAC Meeting Mins - November 30, 2023

PAC Meeting Mins - April 11, 2024

PAC Meeting Mins - September 26, 2024

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